Detective Opera Milky Holmes, known as Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ is based on the media collaboration project “Project MILKY HOLMES” by Bushiroad. Milky Holmes is created by Takaaki Kidani 木谷高明 the CEO of Bushiroad, and it involves many media collaboration project such as games, anime and music. Especially the live concert has been a huge success with the voice actresses Suzuko Mimori 三森すずこ and Sora Tokui 徳井青空.
Here is the news about Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Movie 劇場版 探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ ~逆襲のミルキィホームズ~ which is starting from 27th February and there is a chance to watch the first few minutes of the movie on Bushiroad TV at 23:00 on TOKYO MX on 18th February. You don’t want to miss it.
We received some official screen shots and enjoy!
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes The Movie will be on cinema from 27th February and for further information please check the official site(Japanese only)!