TV anime “Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san”, the collaboration event is held at the historic Takagi Jinja shrine, which was built in Oshiage Tokyo in 1468.
There is a life-sized panel with a signature of a voice actress Rie Takahashi whose roll is “Takagi san” in anime and you can buy Karakai Omikuji for fun!
A short trip to “Takagi Shrine Collaboration”
Takagi Shrine in the very quiet area of Tokyo
“Takagi Shrine” located in Oshiage, Tokyo, is about a 10-minute walk from Oshiage Station. In contrast to the newness of the TOKYO SKYTREE towering in front, you can still see Japanese traditional houses and shops, and there is a downtown atmosphere.
It seems that this Takagi Shrine had been greeted many people inside since 1468, which was once considered “the sixth heavenly shrine”.
That Small and cute Takagi san…Don’t you think?
Takagi Shrine’s “Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san” collaboration booth.
Of course the panel is “life-size”, so you can feel Takagi’s small hight.
Takagi-san said “Not bad.”
Quickly, I bought Karakai Jyozu Omikuji at Takagi Shrine just to check!
I picked up a Omikuji and…
The result is “Syoukichi which means Small luck”.
It does not make me feel bad at all and I can hear Takagi san saying “not bad”.
Looking at this, … It said that someone might lie to you by pretending that she is found of you!
Displaying Ema signed by Riea Takahashi & Ohara Yuiko!
In addition, “Autographed Ema” by Rie Takahashi and Yuiko Ohara is exhibited.
“Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san × Takagi Shrine Original Omamori” will be sold in early February, and “Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san × Takagi Shrine Original Ema” will be sold in late February.
“Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san” Collaboration Shrine
Takagi Shrine × Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san collaboration event
Takagi Shrine (
2-37-9 Oshigami Sumida-ku, Tokyo
Collaboration contents
Exhibition of dressing down life size panels
Installation time: 9: 00-17: 00 (subject to change due to circumstances)
Anime “Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san”
Official site
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©2018 山本崇一朗・小学館/からかい上手の高木さん製作委員会